Hitachi capital aquashield customer who paid £3,760 for mis-sold aquashield roof paint offered just £1,500 in full & final settlement by hitachi

Final Settlement made by Hitachi Capital Finance Hitachi capital aquashield customer who paid £3,760 for mis-sold aquashield roof paint offered just £1,500 in full & final settlement by Hitachi. Consumer reclaim advise all customers of Hitachi to reject any such offers. Entitlement to a full refund plus compensation for direct loss.

New war on cowboy traders

Elderly get protection from bullying rogues and unscrupulous doorstep salesmen Rogue traders who bully and scam vulnerable elderly people into paying for goods and services face a fresh crackdown today. Under new rules, victims will have 90 days to cancel the purchase and get a full refund.

Legal proceedings against Hitachi capital finance results in Aquashield roof coating customer receiving £7,529.76

A customer purchased roof and wall treatment from Aquashield They arranged finance for the customer through hitachi capital finance. The customer purchased the roof and wall treatment for the purpose of preventing heat loss. A supposed benefit of the aquashield product. Expert evidence supplied by consumer reclaim clearly demonstrated that the product did not prevent…